This week employees take the spotlight in National Cyber Security Awareness Month . Cyber threats can often be perceived to come from an anonymous criminal, hundreds of miles away behind a computer screen. However, current and former employees who have intimate and valuable knowledge about an organization are also capable of committing a cybercrime.
An insider threat occurs when a current or former employee, contractor, or business partner who has or had authorized access to an organization’s network, system, or data, intentionally misuses that access in a manner to commit a cybercrime.1
Paper based processes are often the most vulnerable, where it is easy for someone to print personal information from the organization’s clients, then take them to a new employer or leak this kind of information publically or to malicious 3rd parties. Such threats are extremely difficult to detect, meaning preventing such a breach is near impossible.
What to consider?
To tackle such issues and prevent security breaches it is important to consider a solution that proactively discovers, monitors and prevents accidental data loss or misuse, both while data is at rest (at print devices or servers) and in motion (travelling throughout the network).
What solutions are available?
FollowMe by Ringdale offers a paper DLP solution, not just on one vendor’s products but across all OEM brands. When employees print from their tablet or PC, FollowMe can monitor what they are doing and discover if they are printing information that shouldn’t be printed, such as credit card numbers and contact information. Then FollowMe will either prevent the data from being printed or alert an administrator for auditing.
For further information on FollowMe’s Data Loss prevention capabilities visit the FollowMe web site.
Reference Links:
1The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)
National Cyber Security Awareness Month October 2016
NCSAM #CyberAware
Cyber Security Month – 5 authentication methods customers expect