In today’s world, sustainability has become part of our everyday lives. How does that apply to businesses? An increasing number of organizations are looking at ways to reduce their carbon footprint as both customers and employees demand a more sustainable way of doing business.

Companies that fail to adapt will almost certainly face challenges in the future. No matter whether you’re a big, medium, or small business: reducing greenhouse gas emissions should be a priority for everyone.

We’ve put together AN ENTIRE SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM to help both our business and yours reduce, reuse and recycle. It’s simple, of course. That way, everyone is more likely to participate. So, let us help you become the most sustainable you can with these tips for reducing corporate carbon emissions.

It all begins by looking within. We’ll come out and evaluate your current power usage, entire printer fleet, document management procedures and recycling efforts. Then we’ll show you how you can reduce your carbon footprint.

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SOURCE Toshiba America Business Solutions

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