SalesScoreKeeper is your ultimate solution for streamlined and transparent commission processing, allowing you to finally automate even the most complex compensation plans.

Our tool seamlessly integrates with the majority of ERP, CRM, and CPQ systems, ensuring smooth data entry and processing. With the ability to manage multiple levels of quotas, ScoreKeeper allows you to incentivize representatives across numerous lines of business efficiently.

Whether you need to process bonuses based on reps’ achievements, calculate discounted services, or charge back transactions, our software has you covered. Embrace the flexibility of ScoreKeeper with the capacity to process commissions from recurring services like MNS, MPS, VOIP, and adapt the approvals process to align with your unique business practices.

Born from decades of experience in the office equipment industry, ScoreKeeper was crafted to bridge the glaring gap between what spreadsheets could offer and what the industry desperately needed for efficient commission processing. Its comprehensive and flexible design allows multiple managers, reps and specialists to be paid on any transaction, while providing an audit trail for changes to commission records from published comp plan payouts.

Process commissions on your schedule – be it 1, 2, or 4 times a month – we’ve made it all possible. Having automated various scenarios over the last 10 years, ScoreKeeper has seen it all and automated it all, standing ready to serve your business with its robust capabilities. Trust ScoreKeeper, your partner in maximizing efficiency and transparency in commission management.

Click here to learn more!

SOURCE SalesScoreKeeper