ARCOA, based in Waukegan, Illinois is proud to announce the launch of their ERaaS (Electronics Recycling as a Service) Spiff program for the Imaging Channel. The program is built to incentivize and reward both sales reps and copier dealers to promote and sell ARCOA’s IT services to their customer base. Details of the program will be outlined at the 2022 ECS Summit January 16-18 in Scottsdale, AZ.

“The nice thing about the ERaaS program is dealers already have the reps on the street with established relationships,” noted Ed Spriegel, CEO of ARCOA. “This program is just an additional sell for the dealers. Schools, hospitals, law firms, along with many other high compliance businesses have thousands of devices with significant resale value that can add tens of thousands of dollars of revenue to the dealer. There’s no capital investment on their end; we handle everything behind the scenes. We have a crew that’s fully trained to provide the offering. It’s a win-win for the dealer, customer and ARCOA.”

ARCOA is a leading provider of IT Services that encompasses Cybersecurity, IT Asset Recovery and Disposition and end-of-life recycling of electronics. We partner closely with clients to develop solid solutions around five architectural areas: cybersecurity and data destruction; specialized logistics and secure chain of custody; value recovery; asset tracking and control, and responsible recycling of end-of-life technology. We also provide industry-specific services as well as services to support and manage the lifecycle of IT resources. We believe that a value-based partnership centered around the internal strengths of an organization, our technology, experience, and innovation combine to deliver solutions that are truly beneficial to organizations. By helping clients to develop and execute comprehensive strategies in these five key areas, ARCOA provides a roadmap that enables organizations to meet challenges today and into the future.


We’re Buying All Major Brands of Used Copiers and Printers